Apricot Jams

Sex Robots

Apricot Jams Season 2 Episode 16

00:00 Sex robots • 
01:02 Reverse Motivation • 
01:53 Growing Apart • 
02:54 Sketchy God • 
03:40 Wild Flat Earthers • 
04:24 Artistic Alchemy • 
05:29 Self Reflection • 
05:55 The Creative Well • 
06:42 Emilio • 
06:59 Plight of the Creator • 
08:08 Audio Technica • • • • 

Featured Music: 
Ott - Hello My Name Is •  
Marbert Rocel - Eleanor Birdbath • 
Telefon Tel Aviv - TTV • 
The Human Experience ft. Lila Rose - Dusted Compass (Phutureprimitive Remix) • 
Tigran Hamasyan - Gypsyology (Live) • 
The Polish Embassador - Let the Rhythm Just • • • • 

www.instagram.com/_apricotjams • 

www.twitch.tv/apricotjams • 

Published: May 3, 2019 (2019-05-03) • 
Remixed and Rerecorded: July 28, 2019 (2019-07-28)• 
Software: Adobe Audition • • 

© 2019 Apricot Jams. All rights reserved.

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Speaker 1:



Newsflash: apparently sex robots are in development right now. Pretty Weird. But I don't know. Maybe it's not... maybe it can actually be good for society. From what I can tell, a lot of these mass shooters did it heavily because they couldn't get laid. Some of them even already admitted that that was why. It makes sense. What if it can help these dudes, you know, give them something, take the edge off, reduce the shooting rates slightly still a victory. But I don't know, for the same reason that I think solitary confinement drives people crazy, I think you just can't replace the human. You need someone looking you in the eyes hearing what you are saying, and replying back thoughtfully. We need it. We need it physically, mentally, and sexually.[Inaudible] It's really interesting the way being bored, you know, just being completely sick of whatever it is you're doing, can actually motivate you. It's a weird kind of reverse motivation where the boredom forces you to try something new, to experiment, to take a fork in the road. Experimenting with it, you know? And I think that's good for us as people to just take different forks in the road, going different directions, experiment, try new stuff and eventually we become a unique, interesting, complex human. But I guess there are some people that don't get bored as easily as others and for them, Hey, stay on your one path. But for everybody else. I'll definitely see you on the other side. I had this friend growing up, and we would do everything together. We got into heavy metal, drank, smoke, drove around town, did stupid shit, all that stuff. We were like brothers, but over the years things have changed and I have to constantly remind myself that no one can fully control where life takes them. The left turns, the right turns, the forks in the road... The bu s of life kind of just goes where it wants In ways and two people who at one point were spending all their time together could now be spending none. As much as it hurts, I know that it's normal to grow apart. If God is an artist, then the earth is definitely just a sketch. The final product is probably somewhere way out there. Spinning around a giant, beautiful star. But this, I don't know about this. I feel like this was just practice, you know, there's too much shit going wrong, Dude. Come on, look around. There's rape, genocide, grizzly bears, great white sharks and tornadoes. God for sure made one better than this


For the longest time. Flat earthers were kind of like bigfoot in my book. You know, I've heard about them, but I never actually got to see them in the wild. And then I went to a party where there was two of them there and guess what? They wouldn't shut the fuck up. They've almost ruined the damn party. And for a split second, I really, really missed vegans for the same reason I miss George Bush Jr. There's just simply a way more annoying version around right now.


I'm constantly trying to figure out how to dance that fine line of experimenting too much or experimenting too little because really, I work like an alchemist. I just do things. I just try new stuff every now and then. It works and it's dope. Most of the time. It sucks when it doesn't. It's hard to tell. I can never, I never know before and when I think I do, I'm always completely wrong. I just do and then observe, do and observe. That's kind of what I've become, just an experimenter. I don't know how to like, I don't know. I feel like, what am I even doing? Some days I just feel like there's hoping, and doing and every now and then something good happens. At this point I've kind of lost count of how many times I recorded an idea on my phone thinking it's the greatest thing ever and then I listened back to it the next morning happy and excited and I'm just like, oh my God, am I really this stupid? What scares me the most is the feeling that the creative well is going to dry up someday. That I'm just going to run out of shit to say I run out of observations, lose confidence. You know, that the wall is just going to dry up. Weird, weird feeling. It ebbs and flows though. I try and reassure myself based on the things that I've observed in the real world that, uh, from what I can tell, as long as you take care of your mind and your body and don't destroy it with the drugs and alcohol, you'll probably be okay. Our first child was named Emelia, and you know what this means. The second kid, boy or girl, must be named Emilio. By the time I'm done recording one of these things and I hit publish, I just, at that point, I can't even stand listening to it. It's, it's annoying, which forces me to take long breaks from my work. After that buttons pushed and it's up, you gotta give me like at least two or three months before I can even be thinking about going back, polishing, revising to making it better. Shit feels weird, man. I don't think it's ever going to feel normal to do that. To go back and listen to my own voice and then like edit it, tweak it, refine it, and somehow put it up feeling like it's actually entertaining. I don't know if it is or not. That's why it's so important to get feedback from people... because without people telling me whether it's they think it's good or bad... I'm just a blind dude shooting at a target just trusting only my instincts. Thanks for listening. That was episode 37. This episode is brought to you by audio technica cause I use their mics and they're awesome. I used to only have one. You can hear it in the ll stylish interview. My mic was way worse than his, but uh, you know, you've got to respect your guests. You got to hook up the homies. So he obviously sounded way better than me, but he's also way bigger than me, so it all makes sense. Um, yeah. Looking forward, I'm already working on the next episode. It's like half of it's already done. These things. You're just fucking getting cranked down, man. It's gnarly. You can find my art on Instagram, Apricot Jams. See you guys later.